Did you know malaria kills a child in Africa every 45 seconds? It’s a preventable disease if a family uses a mosquito net to protect themselves while they sleep. In partnership with Malaria No More, Mosquito Squad is beginning a crusade called “Swat Malaria” to help eradicate malaria in Africa by 2015. And all it costs is $10 for one net.

As luck would have it, this Sunday is 10/10/10 and we’d like you join Swat Malaria by donating $10 through a text campaign. All you have to do is text “SWAT” to 85944.
You also can help spread the message by:
1. On Sunday post about Swat Malaria as your Facebook status update. Something like: “It’s 10/10/10: Donate $10 to Swat Malaria by texting “SWAT” to 85944. And ask 10 of your friends to do the same! Let’s save a child’s life by helping to eradicate malaria in Africa.”
2. Send a note to 10 of your Facebook friends and ask them to donate $10, post the above note in their Facebook status on Sunday, and encourage them to ask 10 of their friends to donate.
Malaria is preventable. Yet, more than one million people die from it every year. With your $10 donation, you can buy a mosquito net that will save the lives of one family for an entire year.
Join us on 10/10/10 and together let’s end malaria-related deaths.

A one-time donation of $10 will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. Service is available on most carriers. Donations are collected for the benefit of the “Malaria No More” by the Mobile Giving Foundation and subject to the terms found at www.hmgf.org/t. Messaging & Data Rates May Apply. You can unsubscribe at any time by replying STOP to short code “85944”; Reply HELP to “85944” for help.
Since this Sunday is 10/10/10 we want to do a mini texting campaign so see how much we can raise and to increase our audience for our $30K in 30 days campaign. We would like to send the below message out to all our Facebook fans and follow-up with messages on Friday and Sunday. Once you approve, we’ll send!