Once you’ve decided on adding an Archadeck structure to your home and landscape most of the major decisions have already been made like size, type of material, and accessories.

Whether you have chosen a deck, a sunroom, a pergola or even a patio, you will have to decide what colors to use. Archadeck has a talented and trained staff to guide you through from start to finish to assist you with your new addition. There are a wide array of colors and textures to choose from when deciding on what materials to construct your structure out of. Choosing colors to use can be a daunting task in itself.
Based upon your individual taste and the colors of your existing structures, color selections can be fun and interesting. You want your structure to reflect your taste and your individuality and be as unique as you are. Many interior designers and building professionals use the convenience of the color wheel and color theory in helping their clients make their color selections. Color theory is a body of practical guidance to color mixing and the visual impacts of specific color combinations. The color wheel is a simple color chart in which complementary colors are arranged on opposite sides of a circle. The color wheel was said to be invented by Sir Isaac Newton in 1670. The principles of color theory also first appeared in the notebooks of the famous painter, sculptor, and architect Leonardo Da’vinci (one of his greatest works being “The Mona Lisa”) as early as 1490.The uses of color theory and the color wheel are not all ancient history, it is alive and well and being used in the 21st century. Below is an early color wheel from Goethe’s color wheel from his 1810 “Theory of colors”.

By effectively using the color wheel you can decide what colors complement each other. For example, if you have a Terra cotta color brick home and are planning on building a deck attached to your house. You would find your brick color on the color wheel, then look directly across from the color on the color wheel and you would find the color that best complements your brick color. In this example Terra cotta is an orange/red color, directly across from the orange/red color is a gray/blue color. By reading the color chart you can see that a darker gray deck or stain may be the best color choice to complement your Terra cotta brick.
Color as you know can also enhance or set a mood. When you discuss color choices you have to take into consideration above anything else, your personal tastes. Did you know that certain colors have a “psychology”, meaning that different colors can affect your mood? Yes, just like certain scents have mood altering effects on the brain, color does too.
The color wheel is split into warm and cool colors. Warm colors such as red, orange and yellows can give you a feeling of warmth, enthusiasm , strength , and passion. Your cool colors such as greens and blues give you the feeling of depth, trust, freshness and tranquility. Much can be said about the neutral tones that are most often used in the construction of outdoor structures. Brown is of course the color of the earth and is considered to be comforting and reassuring. In design brown can add depth and warmth to your structure. Gray is subtle and can be calming. Black is Elegant. Black is usually used to make something stand out and will draw attention to detail and is often used in ornamental details. Whites are classic and timeless. White is clean and fresh like a new fallen snow. So as you can clearly see. Colors can set a mood and promote a feeling you want to convey when enjoying your outdoor structure. Spending time on your sunroom with deep brown flooring accented with white trim can make you feel as if you are curled up with a big slice of warm apple pie a la mode!
Now that you armed with the knowledge you need to make great color choices plus the uniqueness of your favorite colors don’t be afraid to dive into the color selection process. Archadeck has a rainbow of choices to guide you and the talent and know how to make your experience unforgettable.