Now more than ever your outdoor living space should be an extension of your home. When the weather is nice, escape the walls of your home and enjoy the sun on your deck. It is important, however, to have deck safety inspections periodically.

The typical lifespan of a deck is 10 years, but they may need attention before that – that’s why we recommend a deck safety inspection on structures over 7 years old or that are displaying any cause for concern. The Archadeck deck safety inspection evaluates all parts of the deck and follows our BE SAFER acronym.
B – Boards. With their traffic, exposure to elements, etc. boards will show wear over time, but it’s important that the general condition of the boards is good. If they are splitting or pulling away from the deck frame, it is advised for boards to be replaced.
E – Every Connection. Fasteners, hardware, and nails are all used to construct a deck properly. Every connection calls for the right piece of hardware to keep the deck sound and should be looked at during any inspection to ensure the right connectors were used and are in good shape.
S – Structure. Joists, posts, and beams make up the bones of a deck. During inspections, our team looks for any visible cracking or splitting of the wood.
A – Attachment. The attachment from the deck to the house is called the house band. It should include flashing to keep water at bay and bolts for a secure connection.

F – Footings. Footings are the vertical parts of the deck that are secured into the ground with concrete. Deck collapses are often due to these needing to be replaced or not properly built originally. There should be no sway to the deck or separation from the beams.
E – Exits. Stairs can show wear before other parts of the deck. During an Archadeck inspection, we look at the stringers, treads and risers.
R – Rails. Rails are key to keeping those enjoying your deck safe. Every picket should be checked to ensure they are properly secured. Railing guidelines have also changed and show be no further apart than four inches apart.
As May is Deck Safety Month, now is the perfect time to have a member of your local Archadeck office come and inspect your deck!