Past the quaint, picturesque area of Roberta, Georgia, there is a beautiful farm with rolling hills adjacent to waters from Mathews Creek.

Our client’s property had an aging dock that was falling into the water and it needed to be rescued. In fact, it needed to be replaced.
The only obstacle with replacing it for this Macon area dock builder was that it was impossible to lower the pond to install the dock footings, so our design team had to design and build the replacement structure as a floating dock!
Luckily for us at Archadeck of Central, Georgia, and our waterside client, we have a solid reputation as the area’s finest floating dock builder.

Like most custom docks, this design plan was most unique, starting at the shore’s edge and jutting out into a huge T-shaped structure extending 20 feet out into the water.
To keep it strong yet fluid in its ability to ride the waves as their fishing boat and leisure time canoe returned to the farm, all pieces of the floating dock structure were hinged together, very cleverly.
The floating dock “throat,” the long necked portion extending from the shore to the dock’s outermost 20 foot wide span, measures four feet deep.

As you can see in the photos, the family members are not the only ones enjoying the new dock, as much wildlife has already claimed it as a favorite resting spot. Just notice the Egret’s footprint on the TimberTech Reserve decking surface.
For a dock that needs to be as adaptable to the various elements of nature and a variety of uses, this acclaimed composite decking material was the best choice.
TimberTech Reserve is a more durable and slip-resistant decking collection that comes in four on-trend colors. For this floating dock we chose Dark Roast, with its deep, rich mahogany tones – a perfect contrast to the water’s edge.

The 4-sided caps contain no wood for best fade and stain resistance in its category. During daylight, its cathedral wood grain pattern is obviously inspired by rough wire-brushed, reclaimed wood – in a matte finish.
And as the caps do not contain wood particles, it is the best choice for docking that is mold-resistant. TimberTech’s proprietary Mold Guard™ Technology staves off mold- and moisture-damage splendidly.
Are you ready for a dock or other outdoor living space that the whole family can enjoy, lakeside? Contact Archadeck of Central GA to design and build an area that your entire family and friends can enjoy together in safety and comfort.

Stephen Denton, owner Archadeck of Central GA.