On March 13th Indiana clocks sprung forward one hour and every day brings us closer to the first day of spring on March 20th. The snow is melting, the temperature is rising and we are shedding our winter coats for lighter jackets.
As you step outside into your yard looking for the first signs of springs are you also noticing that tired deck, the cupped boards, the cracks and splinters, the wobbly railing? Are you thinking that it has stopped being a great place to relax and entertain and is now just an eyesore? Are there safety issues with rotted boards or unstable railing? Perhaps you are just tired of the seemingly never ending upkeep and are looking for a low maintenance alternative.
NOW is the time to call Arachadeck of Fort Wayne and Northeast Indiana for a no obligation deck inspection. We can tell you if the basic structure is still sound and whether or not redecking the surface only is an option. We can work with you on a design if changing the footprint is your plan. We can walk you through the pros and cons of a pressure treated wood deck versus one of the many composite choices available. In short, Arachadeck of Fort Wayne and Northeast Indiana can design and build the deck of your dreams and NOW is the time to set the wheels in motion.

Archadeck of Fort Wayne is northeast Indiana’s premier custom outdoor living design and build firm. Our forward thinking designs are built to last, love and enjoy. If you are considering an outdoor space addition to your home or landscape, give us a call for a free consultation at (855) 931-4746.