If you want a professional-grade pool deck installed for an affordable rate, you’ve come to the right place! Archadeck is ready to actualize your vision! Our design experts will help you pick out the materials for a stunning deck, and our installation specialists will get it set up in no time. Are you looking to make a positive impression with minimal upkeep? Let us install one of our popular composite decks around your pool today.

We believe composite decks are an excellent option for virtually any swimming pool. They offer a stylish and modern alternative to concrete and wooden surfaces. Our composite decks are durable and resistant to wear and tear. They are also waterproof and require minimal maintenance – unlike wood decks, they won’t splinter or rot. Another upside: Composite decks are made from recycled materials and thus environmentally friendly – reducing your need to cut down trees for lumber.
What Are Some Benefits of Using Composite Decking Around A Pool in Raleigh-Durham
1. Lasting Durability. Composite decking is not easily affected by water or pool chemicals, which makes it a hardy material to use next to pools. An article published on the MultiBriefs: Exclusive website examined boardwalks in “Hurricane Alley” built with capped composite decking and found them to be durable enough to withstand years of water and humidity.
2. Beauty & Fade-Resistance. Composite decking is available in a range of beautiful colors and is fade-resistant from the sun’s UV rays. So — while you may see very slight color fading over the long-term — for the most part, your pool deck will retain its original beauty and color over the years. When choosing a color for your composite decking, one thing to keep in mind is that darker colors may become warm to touch during the height of summer heat. Choosing a lighter color helps to ensure that the decking retains less heat, as with concrete.
3. Safety & Comfort. Composite decking does not splinter, which is extremely important around a swimming pool, where children and adults will be walking with bare feet. Also, many composite decking boards are textured to be slip-resistant when wet, making them less slick than pressure-treated wood or smooth concrete when wet.
Professional Composite Decking Installations
If you’re installing a pool and considering what material to use for your pool deck, we hope you’ll take a closer look at composite decking as a gorgeous alternative to the standard concrete slab. At Archadeck of Raleigh-Durham, we love to help Triangle-area homeowners create beautiful and functional outdoor spaces they can enjoy with their families and friends for many years to come. Give us a call today for a design consultation: (919) 446-5585. We look forward to working with you!

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